Petroselinum crispum1:1 Ethanol Based Spagyric of fresh Parsley seed, root, stem and leaf (whole plant), plant salts added.
Planetary correspondence: Venus
Physical Properties*:
Parsley is a highly nutritious herb rich in minerals and vitamins in half a cup (30g), it can contain 108% RDI of Vitamin A, 53% RDI of Vit C, 547% RDI of Vit K, and 4% RDI of Potassium, this make the herb useful in maintaining immune and bone health. It is also high in the antioxidant carotenoids, beta carotene and leutein, which have been shown to be protective against a number of diseases including cancer, photosensitivity disorders (skin discolouration due to sun exposure) and cardiovascular diseases. These carotenes along with another called zeaxanthin, and the Vitamin A will help protect ones eyes from degeneration (AMD, age related macular degeneration) and may improve vision. The plant is lithontriptic (dissolves and rids the body of kidney or bladder stones), being a strong detoxifier in general, a tonic for the stomach and the kidneys and a diuretic that is also useful in treating UTI’s, cystitis and edema – where increased urination is beneficial. Other uses include: Antidandruff, galactagogue (promotes milk flow), digestive, carminative (reduces bloating), and the roots can help to contract the uterus after birth has occoured. Noting that it is not recommended for pregnant women because it may cause miscarriage, though by this same token it is useful as a birthing aid and a contraceptive. It is an emmenagogue that promotes menstrual flow, whilst at the same time it is enables nourishing blood building, often being able to reduce menstrual pain and ameliorate anaemia with diligent use.
*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.
Emotional/Spiritual Properties*:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and Parsley is good for the vision… Parsley’s effect in relationships is manyfold, initially it can help ease the intensity of old relationship wounds that may be keeping us from seeking new connections, then, once we are exploring new possibilities Parsley enables us to feel complete within ourselves to the extent that we will enter into new relationships only if they are for our highest good. Highest good manifests itself in many ways… on one hand Parsley will help us to engage romantically with a more tangible shared vision; then, on the other hand Parsley will give us the inner strength to allow vulnerability and create commitment amidst intense relationships dynamics, which gives rises to deep healing and unification of our yin and yang energies. It will also enable us to communicate more effectively in relationships, opening us to listen and speak with greater depth, rawness, love and clarity. On an individual level, Parsley helps us to create unity between disharmonious parts of our psyche, and our life, by balancing our masculine and feminine energies… the more intellectual/rational sides are softened and put to benefic use by the more intuitive, receptive and sensitive sides. Conversely, those intuitive, receptive and sensitive sides will nourish, sooth and balance the more intellectual and rational elements of our being.
Herbal Allies:
For menstrual health, ladies’ mantle and dong quai.
For steadying one’s self in intense relationship dynamics: Marshmallow root.
Recommended dose: 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day.
-Consuming very large amounts of Parsley can damage the liver and kidneys and cause digestive spams (not to be worried about with the low (drop-wise)doses applicable for Spagyric use).
-Kidney disease: Seek medical advice before using Parsley if you have Kidney disease.
-Diabetes and surgery: Parsley can lower blood sugar levels which may interact dangerously with diabetes medications, and may also increase the chances of dangerous bleeding during surgery (with that said parsley has constituents and a vitamin/mineral profile that aids blood clotting).
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