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Anger Channeler
Spagyric Formula of 5 plants: Red, Sage, Bugleweed, Sappan Wood, Common Mallow

Recommended dosage 13 drops 3 times a day or 18 drops twice a day.

This blend is designed to cool down and center people who are prone to volatile states of being*. On a physiological level it is very cooling for the liver, blood and small intestine where fire accumulates most strongly in the body. It can dredge emotions that are stored in such places and thus one may initially experience a slight uptick in these volatile emotions as they come to the surface for inspection before washing away, or they may simply dissipate.
Below are some deeper descriptions as to how the plants involved manage, refine and ease anger and rage into more fruitful expressions of the warrior energy.

Red Sage: There is a context where embodying the warrior energy is relevant, and that is, in service of the heavens that wish to manifest on earth. Often people enact warrior behaviours, or enact them to excess because they have unresolved wounds which are motivating fiery behaviours aligned with the notion that ‘offence is the best defence’ – i.e by constantly trying striving to complete the external ‘missions’ of life, one avoids looking at the areas of work that need to be completed internally.

Bugleweed: Bugleweed is a calming and cooling nervine herb that encourages the correct harnessing of the mind, helping us to trim back the rougher edges of our personality and subsequent words and actions. It is a herb that changes our perception of time, helping life to seem a little slower, which then eases feelings of frustration and impatience. It is particularly effective at softening the tongues of people who tend to speak in a sharp manner due to impatience or anger, it will help such people to communicate from a place more considerate of others, enabling objectivity and strong direction without the pushiness or exasperation.

Sappan Wood: Oftentimes people that express anger, rage, frustration and other such volatile emotions towards others will of course often speak to themselves in harsh tones… and they may also be prone to pushing their body in a hard, aggressive and overly determined way. Sappan wood helps us to work through and release internal conflicts that cause us to treat life as it is some perpetual battle to be fighting. There are definitely things worth fighting for in this life, though often we pick many battles not worth fighting, Sappan Wood raises our awareness as to what battles are really worth fighting… and by having a more coalesced, centered energy and presence we can engage in those more worthy causes from a more calm and collected place. Sappan wood levels up the warrior within, training it into masterful ways, that ease the need for brutish determinism or fiery bravado.

Sow Thistle: Jupiter plants help us to zoom out and gain a higher perspective that guides us to live more accordantly with everyone’s desires for fairness and a more fruitful human-Earth relationship, Sow Thistle thus encourages us to take to the drawing board of our life to explore inspirations of sustainability, get in touch with our unique role in creating a new Earth and then put those ideas and realisations in to practice. Jupiter is said to be a kingly planet whereas Mars is the warrior planet… when the king makes the warrior aware of exactly what long term visions to fight for, then the warrior spends his energy fruitfully. Many of us has ancestry and DNA that is woven into the colonising, or world conquering past (which still exists today), on this deep genetic level Sow Thistle helps us to re-establish trust in our fellow humans, and the ways of nature, this way we are less prone to the aggressive mindset of ‘if I don’t grab this/take this/own this/claim this, the next man will’ .

Common Mallow:  Oftentimes people struggle to relax due to emotional stress – this is where nervine plants are indicated – though there are some people who struggle to relax due to long experienced dryness and heat in the body. Mallow is like a cool wave that slowly washes over the body to ease these aggravated states… in this way greater mental and emotional clarity can be found since we will know where the physical tension ends and the mental emotional tension begins.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.​​​​​​​

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Anger Channeller


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