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Black Cohosh
Cimicifuga racemosa
1:2 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Spagyric tincture of dried organic Black Cohosh root.
Planetary Rulers: Venus

Physical Properties*:
This herb is considered one of the top herbs for painful menstruation as it has a host of ways to relax and nourish the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. It is an antispasmodic herb, meaning that it prevents spasms, in particular the spasms that are menstrual cramping. It is said to ‘generate fluids and unbind them, so there is better flow of fluids throughout the organism, especially the all-important cerebrospinal fluids surrounding the nerves’. Black cohosh contains phytoestrogens and research has shown the root to have estrogenic activity, being able to reduce levels of pituitary luteinizing hormone, thereby decreasing the ovaries production of progesterone. To be clear it is indicated for those who are low in estrogen and high in progesterone, the symptoms of which include: long cycles, dry skin and brittle hair and nails, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, nervousness, irritability and heavy bleeds (though heavy bleeds can also be caused by progesterone deficiency too). It can be used by men as well, being indicated for anyone with a tight pelvic floor, or is suffering from ‘dryness below’ and/or tension throughout the musculoskeletal system. Can also be used for treating: tinnitus, rheumatism, sciatica, coughs, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.

Emotional/Spiritual Properties*:
Just as Black Cohosh relaxes ‘stuckness’ and tension in the reproductive tissues, it also helps those who are tense and depressed, particularly if their low mood involves a feeling of being tormented, either by one’s own thoughts or some external situation. This dark black root is an aide for those who feel like a black cloud is hanging over them, particularly if this black cloud accentuates for a woman just before her menstruation/bleed. This tension releasing herb is also helpful for people that have wound themselves into some kind of mental knot, where no matter how hard they try and think themselves out of this knot, they cannot, and the overthinking may even be tightening the knot…in this situation Black Cohosh will help one to pause, unwind and relax, and from there one can patiently wait for the way forward or out to become clear. A lot of the time this unwinding and tension releasing process is dependent on realising which of our thought constructs are constricting us, and then either releasing them in their entirety or stripping things back to the workable, malleable truth – black cohosh is a clarifying herb which helps us choose between useful and less-useful thoughts.

-Pregnancy: Cohosh can be used to induce or aid labour as it is a smooth muscle relaxant and diuretic, so it should not be taken at all during pregnancy, only during birth if one so desires.
-Avoid if one has an estrogen influenced cancer.
-Salicylate allergies: Contains salicylates.
-May interact with cisplatin or warfarin.

Black Cohosh


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