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Gallium aparine
1:1 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Spagyric tincture of fresh organic cleavers – arial parts.
Planetary Rulers: Venus, Mercury

Physical Properties*:
Cleavers is one of the topmost lymphatic herbs, with a special area of potency being located around the lymph of the neck, throat and tonsils – being very useful when it comes to treating tonsilitis and some forms of throat infection. Cleaver’s invigorating action in the thyroid can help with hypothyroid scenarios as apparently it can upregulate thyroid hormone production, whilst at the same time clear out the damp stagnation that is associated with low thyroid function – including the detoxification of heavy metals and halogens that may be binding to hormone receptor sites. It is a highly cleansing herb that really moves the waterways of the body, having both diuretic and alterative functions meaning that as it moves the lymph it will also cleanse the blood and promote the excretion of wastes via the urine. It can thus also be beneficial for clearing UTIs, bladder stones, renal (kidney) obstructions cystitis, and bladder infections. Cleavers may also remedy eczema and psoriasis.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.

Emotional/Spiritual Properties*:
Cleavers shares with us wisdom around independence and interdependence. Some people have patterns of entangling themselves repeatedly in relationships that harm or detriment them in similar ways, despite swearing that they will never ‘end up with someone like that again’; in this scenario cleavers will help to shift and cleanse out stagnant emotional ties, helping the ‘victim’ to become aware of their ability to stand on their own, remove themselves from their current predicament and not fall for the same pattern and type of unhealthy relationship again! We see this scenario played out in the way that cleavers likes to grow all over and entangle itself amongst other plants, using those nearby plants and trees to gain height to then disperse it’s seeds – i.e it can’t stand on its own. This herb may thus also be useful for those who jump from one relationship to the next. On the flip side cleavers can be beneficial for those who act, work and live so independently that they end up falling in a heap due to various forms of burnout…cleavers can help to release the rigidity of mistrust and thence enable us to mingle and weave in the awareness of our oneness with those around us, helping us to really know and be sure that we are placing our trust in and opening to people that respect and value us as we respect and value them – it encourages partnership.

-No side-effects or contraindications have been reported with cleavers.



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