Asparagus racemosus
1:2 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Spagyric tincture of dried organic Shatavari root.
Planetary Rulers: Moon, Venus
Physical Properties*:
This sweet nourishing root has a building and tonifying effect in the whole body, though it has its strongest influence in the nervous and reproductive systems. It has demulcent properties that encourage tissue hydration, and the secretion of fluids from mucous membranes. Sweet herbs can replenish dry and emaciated tissues, Shattavari is known for fortifying and hydrating the lungs, kidneys, reproductive organs (particularly female), and the stomach. It is an antacid -meaning that it will reduce stomach acidity and may thus help with acid reflux, whilst its building and fortifying properties may help with leaky gut. It’s moistening effect can be greatly beneficial for mothers and mothers to be as it increases milk production, helps with breast soreness, increases vaginal moistness and most importantly tonifies the uterus – shatavari is known for being ‘the womb fortifier’ so much so that it can prevent oral contraception from working properly (since many oral contraceptives work by thinning the womb lining). This herb supplies many female hormones and is thus very useful for women who have had hysterectomies or those entering menopause where said hormones can decrease. It can also aid men too, increasing semen production through its moistening properties.
Other issues that shattavari is known for helping include: diarrhea, hematemesis (vomiting of blood), dry coughs, anxiety, nervous system burnout, convalescence (recovery from illness), dehydration.
*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.
Emotional/spiritual properties*:
Shatavari is known as ‘she who keeps a thousand husbands’ in the Sanskrit language, this title is attributed because of the abovementioned physical properties of increasing fertility and ‘strength of womb’, though it is also given because of the way this herb gradually warms, softens and opens the heart, whilst encouraging the sexual essence/fluids to rise up and bring fertility to the heart, voice and mind. According to the ayurvedic system it is a ‘rasayana’ meaning that it gradually restores a deep rooted and well founded vitality to the being, and it is also ‘satvic’ meaning that it helps to increase meditative power and general focus. Shatavari really is the noble queen who helps one to really settle into, and engender a life that is full and abundant with all that the feminine can bring: beauty, art, softness, longevity, passion, romance, heartfelt relating, and … offspring. Shattavari is thus useful for both men and women who are nervous about entering the child bearing and rearing stage of life, or those already in it, especially if they feel they are under-resourced to do the job properly. Shatavari is a firm and encouraging hand who helps out limitless heart to lead the way to success in this area.
-May prevent oral contraceptives from working.
-Avoid if you have an allergy to asparagus.
-May increase the effect of diuretics.
-May slow kidney function for some.
-May interact with diabetic medications.
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