Liver Cleanse Blend
A Spagyric Formulation of: Milkthistle, Yellow Dock, Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Red Sage, & Chickweed.
Physical effects*:
The leading herb in this blend is milk thistle, a powerful alterative (blood purifier), with hepatogenic properties, meaning that it can actually help to restore and regrow cells of the liver after damage from toxics or liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. This plant, like many liver cleansing plants is quite bitter, which helps to increase the secretion of bile – this ‘gets the liver moving’. Note also that Milk Thistle is hepatoprotective, meaning that it can be used to pre-emptively protect the liver.
Yellow dock is another popular liver cleansing herb, well suited to remedying ‘damp, boggy’ situations, i.e when the liver has become congested. It is alterative, depurative and laxative, meaning that it will really help to clean things out from the liver and then pass them from the body. Yellow dock is also indicated for eczema and psoriasis which are associated with liver congestion… and it will help to liberate iron that is trapped in -and harming- the liver, to help remedy anaemia. Sarsaparilla is an incredibly alterative herb, it is extremely bitter, one can almost feel it scrubbing the liver and blood clean. Dandelion is a gentler bitter that will help to clean the liver as well as mineralise the body with the ‘good stuff’ at the same time. Chickweed has a gentle moistening property which helps to promote a cleansing hydration of the liver.
*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.
Main Planetary Rulers: Jupiter, Mars, Pluto Moon
-Most drugs require metabolization by the liver, thus this formula may either increase their effect be enabling the liver to metabolise more of the drug, or it may reduce their effect by clearing them from the liver quicker.
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