Garlic Bulb
Allium sativum
1:2 Brandied Spagryic Tincture of fresh, organic garlic bulbs, with purified salt principle added.
Planetary Influence: Mars
Physical Properties*:
Garlic is herb who’s common and daily use if often underestimated, but in many ways is unmatched by any other herb! It can be used to clear microbes, bacteria, viruses, and parasites from the alimentary tract (ingestion and digestion tracts) – whilst vanquishing the nasties it has been show to help proliferate beneficial gut bacteria. The oils within garlic are excreted by the lungs making it a powerful clearer of respiratory infections such as chronic bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, influenza, and recurrent colds. It’s respiratory aid may extend to reducing bronchial asthma symptoms and treating whooping cough.
Garlic can also play a significant role in improving cardiovascular health: it’s antioxidant properties help prevent the peroxidation of fats (directly educing atherosclerosis); it reduces serum cholesterol and triglycerides levels, whilst it raises levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). These properties also help prevent hypertension, thrombosis, heart attack and stroke.Garlic helps reduce the chance of cancers occurring and also enhances detoxification of foreign compounds and hepatoprotection (liver protection).
*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.
Emotional/spiritual properties*:
One can really feel this spagyric lower in their spine, it’s bulb root seems to drop right down to the solar plexus area with a thud and therein weigh in the anchor from which one can tether their being and their actions. Garlic is thus a solid ally for those going through turbulent times, especially when there is much interpersonal tension or conflict. Garlic enables us to see our outmoded ideas and beliefs that are keeping us from being a force of good in the world, with its pungent sulphurous odours it casts aside obstructions in the psyche to pull us in to the humility necessary to begin seeing the bigger picture. Whilst this may seem to imply that the herb is harsh and rough with it’s emotional and spiritual actions, in truth the garlic can also be gently fortifying for those whose world is crumbling around them. It is the tower in the herbal tarot… when one is resisting the deconstruction of un-serving fortifications of the psyche it will assist in letting them fall away…. When one finds themselves amidst a crumbling reality by the hands of fate, garlic can be there like a comrade in arms, resting a firm hand on ones shoulder as we look out upon the destruction and devastation we may be experiencing… ‘all is not lost my friend,’ are the words that come from this plants lips. This kind of solidarity may be particularly beneficial for those who are feeling isolated, or have had to extricate themselves socially due to interpersonal conflicts, enabling one to be at rest in that isolation and extrication as a way to resource one’s self to either go and resolve those conflicts or begin moving on to new social circles and connections (at which point you want to stop taking the garlic, else your breath my be a little to pungent for your potential friends).
-Serious interactions may occour with: protease inhibitors (e.g saquinavir, indinavir); non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs e.g efavirenz, nevirapine). Consult with your doctor before commencing use of garlic.
-Exercise caution or consult with your doctor if using: isoniazid, blood thinners (such as warfarin and heparin), anti-platelet drugs (such as clopidogrel), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s such as ibuprogen), herbalis such as danshen/ginger/ginko (that thin the blood), aspirin and drugs removed from your body by certain liver enzymes (such as acetaminophen, chlorzoxazone, cyclosporine, theophylline, calcium channel blockers including diltiazem, azole antifungals including ketoconazole) – these herbals and medications may increase one’s risk of bleeding when combined with Garlic.
-Birth Control: Garlic may decrease the effectiveness of hormonal birth control medications- increasing the chance of pregnancy.
-Alcohol: Garlic and alcohol can cause stomach upset and bleeding.
-Liver disease, diabetes and surgery: Those with liver disease, diabetes, and/or those about to undergo or healing from surgery should proceed with caution.
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