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Equisetum arvense
1:3 Brandied spagyric of dried, organic aerial parts of horsetail, with purified salt principle added.
Planetary Ruler: Saturn

Physical properties*:
Horsetail is a biosilicifier, meaning that it gathers silica from its surrounding environment and stores it as a bioavailable hydrated amorphous silica – this rigid and highly structured plant can be up to 35% silica (dry weight). Silica is one of Dr William Schuesslers “twelve tissue salts”, with manganese also found in horsetail, silica can help to build strong bones and connective tissue, improving elasticity around joints as well as their strength. Horsetail also contains Calcium, Sulfur, Sodium and Potassium, Zinc, and Vitamin B-5. The silica in horsetail, in combination with the PABA (
Para-aminobenzoic acid) and some of its saponins are used by the body to maintain, repair and strengthen, muscles, hair, nails, skin, eyes, mucous membranes, cell walls, arteries and veins – potentially eliminating varicose veins. Trace minerals like silica are known as coenzymes, which, in conjunction with proteins known as enzymes, facilitate chemical reactions throughout the body. Horsetail contains equisetic acid which is a potent heart and nerve sedative, in low doses this can be useful for those with heart tremors, nerve pain, nervous twitching and more, though in high doses is toxic (recommended doses for this spagyric are not high enough for concern). Horsetail has been used to regrow hair, or darken it where it has gone grey; decrease the severity of allergies; cure chronic cystitis and bladder weakness it can also repair damaged nerves as well as remedy those prone to nervous fingernail chewing, hair-pulling or ‘picking’ at the body. The plant is reported to be anodyne (reducing pain), antihaemorrhagic (stops bleeding), antiseptic, astringent (dries excess fluid flow – water, blood etc, urine etc), carminative (reducing gas and blating), diaphoretic (induces perspiration), diuretic (promotes proper elimination through the kidneys), galactogogue (increases milk flow), haemostatic (helps blood clotting) and vulnerary closes wounds).


*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.


Emotional/Spiritual Properties:

Equisetum has a history stretching back to the Cretaceous (145 – 65 million years ago), possibly as far back as the Triassic and may be perhaps the oldest living genus of vascular plants. The energy of horsetail is said to be ‘centrepital’, meaning that it throws the harder, solid substances to the surfaces of the body, whilst maintaining a fluid, malleable state in the centre and depths of the body. This centrepital energy makes it an excellent rememdy for those whose emotions have hardened along with their exterior as a protective response – making it an apt plant for fixed astrological signs (Taurus, Lea, Aquarius, and Scorpio) as well as hard shelled Cancerians. On the other hand, the highly structured and structuring nature of Horsetail along with its ability to remove grit via diuresis, and its flourishing in damp marshes and riverbanks, denote its ability to give ‘grit’, backbone and resolve to those who have become awash with damp emotions such as sadness and grief that are causing a slump in determination, and a shying away from one’s personal causes and passions. The Horsetail quite literally helps one to stand up, dust yourself off, restructure life where necessary, and get on with a steady and determined path. This Saturnian plant will also aid one in focussing on the resources they do have, rather than feeling sorrowful for resources (time, friendships, material wealths, romantic relationships etc) they have lost. This herb’s ancient nature, along with its bone building qualities make it particularly useful for seniors and elders who are feeling worn thin by life, and suffering from a paralysis as to how best to use their later years.

-Diabetes: Horsetail may decrease blood sugar in those with type-2 diabetes, taking it with Diabetes medications can cause one’s blood pressure to fall too low.
-Diuretics/Water Pills: Prolonged high doses of Horsetail, separate too, or along with "water pills" can deplete potassium. Water pills include chlorothiazide (Diuril), chlorthalidone (Thalitone), furosemide (Lasix), hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ, HydroDiuril, Microzide), and others.

-Thiaminase: Thiaminase is found in horsetail, it can deplete certain B vitamins, though when the horsetail has been dried it’s concentration is reduced and the B-Vitamin loss is negotiated.
-Lithium: Horsetail will increase the bodies expulsion of Lithium, if you are taking lithium supplements consult your doctor before using horsetail.



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