Ladies Mantle
1:4 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Spagyric Tincture of Alchemilla vulgaris – with salt principle added
Planetary ruler: Venus
Recommended dosage: 5-15 drops 1-3 times per day.
Physical Properties*:
Ladies mantle is a cooling, salty, bitter and drying herb most popularly used for treating all manner of womens issues, from absent or irregular periods, to excessive menstrual flows, contraception, uterus and fetus strengthening (after 3 months), yeast infections, undesired vaginal discharge, recovery from childbirth and recovery from miscarriage. Depending on the origins of a womans period pain, it may help to ease it – if the pain is due to a ‘bogginess’ in the uterus. Ladies mantle may ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. It contains vasorelaxant constituents that help to ease tension in the cardiovascular system and heart. Interestingly it also contains tannins that help to stem excess bleeding and close wounds – astringing the blood. Its’ astringing property may be particularly beneficial for women with endometriosis that causes excessive bleeding. For all genders and children, this delicate looking herb will help to nourish weak muscles, tonify the bladder, cool inflamed wounds, shift stagnant bruises, manage diabetes, amend hernias, ease insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea and excessive urination.
*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.
Spiritual Properties*:
There are some of us who experience a lot of momentum behind our emotions, they may be like strong tides that pull us to-and-fro in a way that causes us to feel unanchored, and at the mercy of life. With Ladies Mantle we are thrown a life-jacket – or maybe sent out a beautiful wooden boat- in or upon which we can gain clarity and learn to sail or swim with the currents of life, and our inner world. One such place where humans generate lots of emotional intensity is in relationships, more so in romantic/intimate relationships; this tonifying herb enables greater clarity around relating… the waters that flow between two people become clearer as all involved begin to transcend their stories and attachments that may ‘bog down’ a relationship, or limit the enjoyment of intimate relating. Ladies Mantle can be helpful for those who seek intimacy as an escape from reality, as it will help remove the mental delineation between the pleasure that can be felt in the bedroom and the pleasure that can be felt in life… thus one will be less ‘dependent’ on intimacy to enjoy the physical side of life.
-Not suitable in the first 3 weeks of pregnancy -even though it may aid in conception.
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