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Schisandra chinensis

1:4 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Spagryic Tincture of organic Schisandra berries, with plant salts added.
Planetary Ruler: Venus
Recommended Dosage: 5-10 drops, 1-4 times per day.

Physical Properties*:
Probably one of the most versatile plants in existence, Schisandra is an adaptogen in many ways, it can enhance endurance and athletic performance then later sedate the body, restore nerves and reduce the inflammation caused by physical exertion. It is a vital force stimulant, that has been used to increase bodily warmth in cold environments, yet it can enable one to sweat more when they’re hot and thus release more heat. It can tighten, tone and clear the skin of eczema and acne whilst also giving it a youthful glow. Schisandra is restorative for many areas of the body, particularly the liver, kidney and the lungs, though it does improve the function of all organs. The berry holds expectorant (mucus shifting), antibacterial, immune toning, oxygenating, and antitussive (anti-cough) properties… it is thus indicated for colds, chronic coughing, asthma, low lung capacity, shortness of breath, altitude sickness, respiratory infections, altitude sickness and tissue hypoxia – the oxygenating properties also help improve concentration as the brain is oxygenated and enlivened. It tonifies the adrenal cortex and liver which helps to address metabolic deficient conditions such as blood sugar swings, fatigue and frequent infections. Its tonifying effects on the lung, kidney, liver, nerves and blood subsequently strengthen the bodies resistance and capacity to deal with stressors such as allergens, heat, sunburn, wind exposure, frostbite, heavy metal intoxication, mental burden, and physical strain.  It is an aphrodisiac for both women and men, increasing blood flow and sensation in the genital areas whilst also aiding in the retention of sexual fluids until the time is right. Other ailments this wonder plant can rectify include: Insomnia, night sweats, depression, bed-wetting, nightmares, auto-immune diseases (Schisandra can suppress overactive immune responses), headaches, psychosis, paralysis, loss of memory and concentration, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Meniere’s disease, Huntington’s disease, nervous breakdown, cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuritis, Gullian-Barre syndrome, hepatitis, chronic fatigue, failing eyesight and hearing, chronic diarrhea, diabetes, convulsions and dysentery. Schisandra can also be used to induce labour as it is oxytocic.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.

Emotional/Spiritual Properties*:
Schisandra, the herb of 5 flavours reaches her many hands in to all corners of your being, extending from the heart, out to the limbs, fingers, toes and skull, she then recalibrates all that is going on throughout the body to flow smoothly to and from the heart, in the kind of respect and reverence exhibited by priestesses. The body is a temple that this berry exalts, as within, so without, Schisandra enables us to build and beautify the many temples of life. This herb is particularly relevant for those who become distracted by the finer things in life, and thus consume to excess, Schisandra will bind one to the reality of what one really needs, wherefrom one can enjoy more heartily what one already has. She helps to invigorate the cyclical flows of giving and receiving, nature is symbiotic in this way, and so we will find ourself more empowered to give and gift with true intention, whilst also being able to relax in to the enjoyment of a moment amidst all of life’s riches. Feelings of ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I don’t have enough’ can cause a dampening of our spirit, the dynamic, juicy energy of Schisandra will briskly wash those heavy thoughts away to bring us back to elevating thoughts of gratitude, resolve and joyous appreciation – which of course energise us to be more, create more and uphold more. A wonderful ally when it comes to getting our internal and external houses in to crisp order, ready for fruity, flourishing times…

Cautions/Contraindications:-Fertility and Pregnancy: In animal studies Tulsi has been shown to have an anti-fertility effect, thus couples trying to conceive, pregnant mothers to be and nursing mothers should avoid holy basil.-Anti-coagulant/Antiplatelet drugs: Medications that are intended to thin blood and slow clotting may be potentiated by Holy Basil and the chance of dangerous bleeding may be increased. Such anti-clotting drugs include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid) and warfarin (Coumadin).-Pentobarbital: Pentobarbital can cause drowsiness, in combination with Tulsi, excess drowsiness may occour.

-Gastric acidity and peptic ulcers: Schisandra may increase acidity and thus exacerbate these conditions.
-Pregnancy: Since Schisandra is oxytocic (induces labour) it should be avoided whilst pregnant or it can be used only under the supervision of a trained medical professional.

-Excess internal and external heat: Schisandra should be avoided where there are interior and exterior heat patterns (feeling constantly hot, red face, restless anxiety, persistent thirst, scanty-dark urine, dry stools, rashes, cystitis that ‘burns’, heartburn/acid reflux, burning feeling in the stomach, excessive hunger, foul breath, irritability, palpitations, rapid pulse and dry lips), if you have only a few of these symptoms, their intensity is low and they only occour occasionaly, then you may use schisandra, though do so with caution, or combine with moistening, cooling, ventilating and calming herbs such as marshmallow, vervain, gotu kola, baical skullcap, chickweed, passionflower, skullcap, comfrey, atlantic kelp, jasmine, lemon balm etc.  

-Vasoconstrictors and sympathomimetics: Medicines such as ephedrine, epinephrine, methoxamine, phenylephrine, and any kinds of amphetamine may result in sever hypertension when combined with Schisandra – though this is not fully confirmed.



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