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Marshmallow flower essence: 

Enter a realm of tenacious softness… indeed such a place may sound paradoxical, though this herb roots into the earth in a determined way, being able to survive dry conditions despite its damp implying name. Its cup shaped flower with its moon like petals, provides a space of steady softness within which calcified emotions and thoughts can be eased into a stream of emotional flow… or perhaps it can be experienced as one's challenged and worn-out psyche entering a perfectly gentle bath, tension and stiffness easing away as the water welcomes the being. 


3-7 drops 1-3 times a day. 

This plant may facilitate the following: 
- Emotional release. 
- Steadying amongst cathartic process.
- Crying. 
- Resolution of mother issues. 
- Processes around childbirth. 
- Improved intuition/clairsentience. 

Marshmallow Flower Essence


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