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Sambucus nigra
1:3 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Spagyric tincture of dried organic elderberries, with plant salts added.
Planetary ruler: Venus

Physical properties*:
Historically elderberries have been a prizes remedy for heart pain, nerve pain, headaches, dental pain, sciatica, infections and most prominently influenza and colds. They were also used as laxatives and diuretics. They are high in vitamin C, dietary fibre, phenolic acids (which are strong antioxidants), flavanols (including quercetin, isorhamnetin and kaempferol), and they are particularly rich in anthocyanins which give the fruit its dark black-purple colour, holding strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects. Some placebo controlled studies have shown elderberries to halve recovery and improvement time from the onset of a flu. In just 24 hours 64 people being studied showed a significant improvement of flu symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, nasal congestion and headache after consuming 175mg elderberry extract lozengers.  Elderberry polyphenols have been shown to increase white blood cell counts, thus increasing immune system function, in general the berries show antibacterial properties which can improve sinusitis and bronchitis.

The antioxidants found in the berries can reduce symptoms of type 2 diabetes and the likelihood of cancer, as well as reducing inflammation, swelling and pain throughout the body. Elderberries have also been shown to reduce cholesterol in the liver and aorta, reduce  blood pressure and lower susceptibility to organ damage that is caused by high blood pressure. One mechanism through which elderberries reduce blood pressure is by lowering uric acid levels, high levels of which are linked to increased blood pressure. They can also increase insulin secreting and moderate blood sugar levels which is useful in controlling type 2 diabetes. Eldeberry polyphenols have been shown to increase white blood cells. Lastly, the berries have shown antidepressant results when fed to mice.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.

Spiritual Properties*:
Elderberries are particularly resourcing for those who have been through intense trials and tribulations, in the form of physical illness, or emotional/spiritual processes. The elder is one of the 22 Celtic Ogham trees, being tied to the letter R or Ruis, it is seen as a portal tree with strong ties to the fairy realm. It can grow in damp and boggy places, this affinity with water tying it to the planet venus. Whilst venus is not particularly associated with death, she is associated with fertility and rebirth, which innately links this herb to death processes, its hollow branches indicating the passageway or opening channel between worlds. The Elder plant is strongly linked to the zodiac sign of Scorpio which governs processes of death, and sheddings of old ways… Elderberry helps us to more graciously accept losses along with feelings of weariness, this allows us to resource ourself more rapidly, as being sore about intense processes of loss and letting go only causes us to remain stuck in their echos. Elderberry is a perfect Venusian of rich, mothering qualities, that gathers one in to a deep embrace after they have experienced protracted struggles, and spiritual processes of the Martian kind that have had a desolating effect on the psyche… elderberry medicine is dark in colour but there is a twinkle in her knowing gaze… just as the Pleiadean star system she is linked to twinkles in the knowing of songful and sensuous embodiment as held by those star beings.

-High doses may cause stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
-Children, pregnant and lactating women: Elder is not currently recommended for these people, but historically has been used by people in the stages and states of life.
-Immunosuppresants: As elderberry can increase immune system function thus it should be avoided by people taking immunosuppressant medications such as azathioprine (Imuran), basiliximab (Simulect), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), daclizumab (Zenapax), muromonab-CD3 (OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3), mycophenolate (CellCept), tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf), sirolimus (Rapamune), prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone), corticosteroids (glucocorticoids), and others.
-Elderberry can have mild interactions with some other medications, if unsure, consult with you prescribing doctor.




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