Eucommia ulmoides
1:3 Ethanol/distilled H2O spagyric of dried, organic Eucommia Bark, with salt principle added.
Planetary Ruler: SaturnRecommended Dosage: 5-15drops 1-3 times per day.
Physical properties*:
Eucommia bark is a prominent component of many cardiovascular tonics, it has the ability to reduce hypertension, being a vasorelaxant. Studies have shown it to have a beta-blocking capacity, as well as a relaxant effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. It can suppress hepatic fatty acid and cholesterol biosynthesis to reduce the severity of hyperlipidaemia (high cholesterol in the blood). Strong antioxidant properties of Eucommia bark have been established in both in vivo and invitro studies, an extracxt of it was reported to increase the actions of erythrocyte, superoxide dismutase, catalase peroxidase and glutathione peroxidase and reduce the concentration of hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxide in erythrocytes, liver, and kidneys. Aucubin, another antioxidant, played a vital role in defence mechanism against free radicals caused by UV irradiation. It has exhibited antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activities against pathogens such as staph, aspergillus and baumannii. It can regulate immune responses, reducing proinflammatory cytokines and HIV symptoms when taken daily. Ecuommia bark was able to reduce the body weight and white adipose tissue in female mice fed a high fat diet. Ecuommia can protect the bones, brain, and liver making a valuable ally in the aging process. It has been shown to regulate osteoporosis, and memory decline, as well as upregulate growth hormone which helps with bone growth and bone remodelling. Interestingly so, Eucommia bark contains phytoestrogens which can mimic oestrogens effect in the body, yet it also contains compounds which can bind to androgen receptors, increase testosterone production, and thus increase muscle growth, bone density, and sex drive. TCM classifies Eucommia bark as a warm and sweet medicine that tonifies the Liver and Kidneys. Calms ascendant Liver Yang (hypertension/ high blood pressure) and calms a restless foetus. It is a notorious remedy for fortifying the joints, knees and lumbar region (lower spine) – noting that pain in these places is a sign of weakened kidneys.
Emotional/Spiritual Properties:
Eucommia can have a significantly clarifying effect on ones presence, when a herb pacifies ascending liver energy the effect emotionally translates to a very grounded feeling. Noting that Eucommia bark comes from a rubber tree, this fact denotes Eucommia’s ability to pull those in who are ‘stretched thin’, either stretched into the future or into the past, it pulls such people back into the present moment. Of course, there are many kinds of presence and one should not look to Eucommia for enabling a presence that is creative, free spirited, emotionally vulnerable etc, instead it bequeaths a presence that is pragmatic, discerning, stable, still. It is one of the primary TCM herbs for resolving deficiencies of ‘yang’, yang is TCM’s way of saying ‘the masculine essence’. So when I write that one shouldn’t look to Eucommia for qualities such as free-spiritedness, creativity, emotional vulnerability etc, Eucommia may in fact enable one to enter into these qualities because the parts of our psyche that generate those more ‘childlike’ and/or ‘feminine’ states are being held by an inner masculine that has been strengthened by Eucommia’s fortifying nature. Barks by their nature can have a very fortifying nature, being a fortifying layer for the tree, though Eucommia would be considered a fortifying essence amongst barks.
-Prostate issues: In some studies high, repeated doses of Eucommia bark were shown to increase prostate size. Those with prostate issues should thus steer clear of Eucommia bark.
-Oestrogen based cancers: Because of the presence of phytoestrogens, those with oestrogen dependent cancers such as breast cancer, should avoid Eucommia bark.
-People that tend towards being hot and dry should use Eucommia bark with caution as it may aggravate symptoms associated with such tissue states.
-Propanolol (Inderal): This drug may have its effects increased by Eucommia.
-Drugs affected by the cytochrome P450 channel. Eucommia may affect the way in which certain medications are metabolised within the liver.
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