Foeniculum vulgare
1:2 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Tincture of organic dried seed and fresh organic bulb, with purified salt principle added.
Plantary ruler: Mercury
Physical Properties*:
A truly dependable and versatile plant, whilst being indubitably soothing, it is also gently invigorating for mind, body and soul. Fennel is apt for relieving flatulence and colic, whilst it stimulates digestion, appetite and is a spleen tonic. This spagyric was made from the entire plant of fennel, bulb, stalk and seed, it is said that the bulb holds constituents that aid in healing leaky gut. In Ayurveda the seeds are used as a brain tonic and also a cardiac stimulant. Not only is fennel soothing for the lower half of the body in digestion and relieving menstrual cramps but it is also an excellent remedy for bronchitis, coughs, congestion and expectorating mucus. Fennel is a classic Mercury plant in that it smooths wind movement throughout the body, easing respiratory tension and complaint, whilst also easing digestive bloating and flatulence – it is also a great vata pacifying herb owing to the fact that it quite oily, gently warming but not overheating and soothing all round. The herb also increases milk production for lactating mothers.
Ayurveda: VPK pacifying
Flavour: Sweet and warming
*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.
Spiritual/Emotional Effects*:
Fennel is a joyous herb, the yellow clusters of flowers appear as tiny fireworks indicating its ability to encourage the sharing of gifts and talents -particularly those involving communication like song and poetry - that sharing then infusing the more mundane aspects of life with warmth and deeper meaning. Fennel enables us to see our unique light and its place in the world, then it bolsters and eases our being into the revealing and flourishing of individual flare amongst the world. It also helps to alleviate the seriousness that one can bog down in, when in periods of burden and business, reminding us to lighten up a little, appreciate our sense of completion and progress thus far and make time for playfulness.
Other uses: Protection, fertility, shedding old ways, rites of passage/initiation.
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