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Knowledge and Neural Nourishment
Spagyric Tincture Blend of: Ginko, Lion’s Mane, Rosemary, Rhodiola, Jigoulan, Schisandra, Siberian Ginseng.

This formula provides a sharpening and clarifying force, so much so that wiry ‘vatta’ types with finely tuned nervous systems are recommended to try our ‘Knowledge and Nourishment – For Vattas’ mix which includes the spirit calming Tulsi and deeply grounding force of Ashwagandha.
With this formula, one will notice increased oxygenation of the whole body, greater synchronization of the nerves, a higher level of acuity, a feeling of brilliance, refreshed thinking, and new inspiration*. These herbs help to create, embed and maintain memories. As a side they will also regulate blood sugars (good for those prone to snacking during study), act as antidepressants, strengthen the heart and lungs, increase feelings of vitality and much more.
See further detailing of the herbs below to understand their mechanisms of action and reasons for their inclusion in this blend.

-Ginko*: Said to be the oldest species of tree in existence this herb holds many well developed powers. A 24-week randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study showed that an extract of this plant was as clinically effective as the prolific drug ‘donepezil’ for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease. It increases BDNF (Brain Derived Neutropic Factor) which aids in the production, regulation, and survival of brain cells – thus improving cognition and memory. Ginko has also been proven to stimulate Neural stem cells (NSCs) which are multipotent cells capable of generating many types of cells within the brain. Throughout the brain, and the rest of the body, Ginko will increase blood flow, though it is particularly effective at refreshing all the blood within the brain. It can also help manage ADHD symptoms.


-Lion’s Mane*: Lion’s mane helps to recover cognitive capacity and nervous system function by stimulating the production of brain-derived neutropic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF proteins protect and organise the functions of existing neurons and stimulate new neuron growth, supporting what’s known as brain ‘plasticity’ throughout life. Hericenones and erinacines -found in this mushroom- have been found to essentially ‘scrub’ the brain in a way that reduces the chance of suffering from memory affecting diseases such as alzheimers, they also stimulate the brain to produce more NGF. The blood-brain barrier is not permeable by NGF proteins which are too big to pass through. However, the erinacines in Lion’s Mane are small enough to cross the blood brain barrier. As a result, together these compounds are thought to have the ability to foster NGF production within the brain. Lion’s Mane restores the myelin sheath, improves neuronal connectivity, enhances immune function, and is antidepressant.

-Rosemary*: Rosemary improves memory – Rosemary has traditionally been used to improve cognitive performance and mood. And these reports have been verified in recent clinical studies. A study conducted at the University of Northumbria in the UK worked with 144 volunteers. In this study, the group who inhaled Rosemary essential oil demonstrated an overall improvement in memory and mood.  The study found that the group in the Rosemary scented room performed 60-75% better on the prospective memory tasks than the control group. Rosemary is neuroprotective – Rosemary’s bioactive compounds including phenolic diterpenes and triterpene acids are known to be potent neuroprotectors. 

-Rhodiola*: Rhodiola also reduces the free radical, stress, and drug induced cognitive damage and neuronal injuries affecting the brain performance, leading to the mental disorders eventually. There is evidence of studies that Rhodiola species improves the mental work capacity as well as commonly used to control depression. Studies using proofreading tests have demonstrated that R. rosea enhances memorization and concentration ability over prolonged periods. It increases the bioelectrical activity of the brain which improves memory and brain energy. In one study, 40 students were randomized to receive either 50 mg standardized Rhodiola extract or placebo twice daily for a period of 20 days.[24] The students receiving the standardized extract demonstrated significant improvements in physical fitness, psychomotor function, mental performance, and general well-being. Subjects receiving R. rosea extract also reported statistically significant reductions in mental fatigue, improved sleep patterns, a reduced need for sleep, greater mood stability, and a greater motivation to study


-Jigoulan*: Contains ginsenosides. Ginsenoside Rg3 significantly attenuated LPS-induced cognitive impairment by inhibiting the expression of pro-inflammatory mediators in the rat brain. These results suggest that GRg3 may be effective for preventing or slowing the development of neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, by improving cognitive and memory functions due to its anti-inflammatory activity in the brain. In one study Ginsenoside Rh1 upregulated the expression of BDNF (Brain derived neutropic factor), improved learning and memory ability in the passive avoidance tests and significantly enhanced cell survival in the dentate gyrus of mice - cell proliferation and survival are closely associated with hippocampal-dependent learning tasks.  Some of the responses Gynostemma produced included promoting antioxidant defenses, upregulating the sirtuin cell adaptational response, stimulating mitochondrial energy production (Krebs cycle, OXPHOS), enhancing insulin signaling, and acting as neuroprotective support- i.e increases overall energy and alertness.

Gynostemma produces another type of potentially beneficial compounds called gypenosides that may also benefit the immune system, promote high energy levels, and provide cellular protection – cellular protection increases memory retainment.


-Schisandra*: cholinergic functions and as an acetylcholine esterase inhibitor. It will will increase the bodies levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is important for parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system, memory, learning, attention span and REM-sleep. It also reduces stress and is adaptogenic (elevating energy if low, decreasing if hyperactive).


Siberian Ginseng*: Being an adaptogenic stimulant, Siberian Ginseng calms and focuses the mind through its beneficial phytochemical process of encouraging the adrenal glands to secrete stress fighting hormones. Continued use of Siberian Ginseng balances every aspect of the mind and body.  This herb is included in this formula to ground the other herbs and provide a body bolstering effect.


Recommended Minimum Dosage: 10 drops 2-3 times daily (can take more or less depending on intensity of need).  


-Antidepressants/Anti-psychotics/Alzheimers and Parkinsons medicines: People taking such medicines should preceed with caution or consult with their doctor before using this blend alongside such medications.
-Anticoagulants/blood thinners: This blend may cause the blood to thin, in combination with blood thinners the risk of severe bleeding may be increased.
-Immunosuppressants: This blend should not be used by transplant recipients who take prescription immunosuppresive drugs to prevent rejection of the transplant.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.

Knowledge and Neural Nourishment


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