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Menstruation Exaltation combination formula for women with or without endometriosis. Intended to ease pain and spasm in the womb area, balance hormones, nourish the blood and enable the perfect release*.
Planetary Rulers: Venus, Moon. 
Plants involved: Red sage (cooling, drying), rhemmania (sweet), motherwort (cooling, drying), Dong Quai (sweet, warm, pungent), raspberry leaf (cooling, drying, astringent). 

Red Sage:  to move blood and clear stasis. Will help clear hard masses formed outside of womb area. Stops formation of scar tissue that occours with endo.

Rehmannia: Rehmannia’s anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties may benefit women with endometriosis. Rehmannia has also been shown to help reduce the formation of free radicals. As such, it can help to prevent some of the oxidative stress that is thought to play a part in the etiology of endometriosis. 

Motherwort: to astringe and tighten uterin boundaries, ease pain and move blood flows down. 

Dong Quai: Relieves blood stagnation, eases spasm, nourishes blood, eases bloating. Reduces liver stagnation and tension which may be making periods more intense.

Raspberry leaf: Raspberry leaf to establish the boundary of the womb, provide minerals to nourishes blood and also ease nerve spasm. 

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.

Cell salts: 
Calc fluor 6X – scar tissue, connective tissue health
Silicea 6X – scar tissue, connective tissue health
Nat Mur – fluid retention, fluid distribution

Recommended Minimum Dosage: 10 drops twice daily (can take more or less depending on intensity of need).  

15ml bottle should last 15-17 days
30ml bottle should last 28-35 days
50ml bottle should last 40-60 days
100ml bottle should last 80-120 days
Equivalent cost per day $1 - $1.20

Menstruation Exaltation


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