Leonurus cardiaca1:5 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Spagyric tincture of dried, organic motherwort -aerial parts, with plant salts added.
Planetary ruler: Venus (can be used as a moon herb also).
Physical properties*:
This herb has a strong reputation for soothing a wide range of nervous system ailments and tensions. It is said to be antispasmodic and sedative in a way that promotes relaxation rather than drowsiness – so one can take it during the daytime and still feel energised enough to carry out the days duties. It has been used to strengthen the heart, and has proven ability to mediate antiarrhythmic heart beat (palpitations), reduce angina, and protect the heart from oxidative damage. Motherwort has is also a valuable herb in treating the many symptoms of menopause, including: hot flashes, insomnia, imbalanced hormones, vaginal dryness (it promotes blood flow to female reproductive organs, but may need to be paired with moistening herbs such as liquorice root or marshmallow root). It can be used to treat other female afflictions such as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mastitis, menopausal anxiety, weakened uterine contractions, vaginal infections and/or postpartum depression. Motherwort has been shown to downregulate the levels of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6), upregulate the level of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. It is an effective anti-microbial agent against staph and studies show it can break down bacterial biofilms to enable greater penetration of streptomycin. Some other properties include: strong antioxidant activity, remedial for hyperthyroidism, uterine tonic, anti-hypertensive, and slightly anti-arthritic.
*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.
Emotional properties*:
It’s all good! Not in a blasé way, that is dismissive of life tensions, sticking points, and challenges, but in a way that is deep and embracing. Leonorus cardiaca gathers one back to their spiritual heart, a heart that is connected to the steady warmth of the Sun, to all the stars in the cosmos, and from their light can be shed on our ‘issues’. Not a light that is a piercing fire of luminosity, but rather a steady glow, as dependable as the stars themselves showing themselves night after night after night. Whilst the Sun is typically a ‘masculine’ planet, and this herb is Venusian one, with ‘mother’ in its name, we will move past gender differentiations right now and acknowledge that any parent who is seeking to honour their role, will desire to provide a space of gentle reflection wherein a child can find themselves, returning to the central Sun of our being that is the heart. Motherwort enables us to disseminate the problems of our life in a process that is suffused with an all permeating knowing that it is indeed all good! With a hand on our shoulder and our own inner voice shaped in to more compassionate, wholesome dialogue, motherwort walks and converses with us as a strong and noticeable ally, a being whom we can confide in and turn to often. This relation is wonderful for those who have felt abandoned in their life at points (even if the separation was just emotional), by parents, friends, colleagues etc. or even the separation that is birth – which may have been exacerbated for premature babies and babies who experienced complicated births that necessitated separation and/or incubation in order to stabilise their existence in this world.
Recommended Dosage: 4-8 drops, 1-4 times per day.
-Blood disorders/blood thinners: People with bleeding disorders or those taking blood thinners such as Coumadin (warfarin), should avoid motherwort due to its anti-platelet activity.
-Sedatives/CNS depressants: Those taking sedatives, benzodiazepines and other CNS depressents may experience increased and possibly dangerous levels of drowsiness if taken in combination with motherwort.
-Surgery: Motherworts anti-platelet activity may cause excessive bleeding in surgery and thus should be avoid from 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after surgery.
-Those with low blood pressure: Motherwort’s vasodilating, hypotensive effects may cause a drop in blood pressure, potentially dangerous for those who already have low blood pressure.
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