Rosemarinus officionalis.
1:4 Ethanol/Distilled H2O Spagyric Tincture of fresh, organic Rosemary leaves, with plant salts added.
Planetary Ruler: Sun
Phsyical Properties*:
Rosemary is a prolific herb, and perhaps because of its common occurrence it often has its medicinal potency underated. If anything, it’s prolific occurrence hints to its plethora of actions and uses, it is: Antispasmodic, antiseptic, strongly antibacterial, diaphoretic (promotes healthy sweating), expectorant (shifts mucuous), astringent, aromatic, carminative (eases digestive bloating and gas), cholagogue (creates digestive juices), stomachic (increases digestive power), tonic (for digestion, the heart, the mind and the hair), nervine, stimulant, cardiac, hepaprotective (protects the liver and improves detoxification), emmenagogue (stimulates blood flow to uterus and pelvic area), antinociceptive (blocks pain signalling). Rosemary contains a rich host of flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenes and volatile oils that exhibit strong antimutagenic, chemoprotective effects, protecting the body from both internal and external toxins, furthermore, having the capacity to optimise genetic expression! Rosemary is applicable for clearing colds, coughs, flus and fevers. It improves circulation and purifies the blood, particularly increasing its flow to the brain, and reducing the chance of clotting body-wide. Rosemary also contains a unique class of polyphenol diterpenes which show potent ability to chelate toxic metals (so they can be removed from the body); reduce amyloid plaque formation; and reduce inflammation in the brain, all of these actions are significantly valuable in mitigating Alzheimer’s disease and potentially Parkinson’s disease also.
Other ailments Rosemary is indicated for include: prostate disease, sperm motility, atherosclerosis, liver toxicity, dyspepsia, rheumatism, cataracts, peptic ulcers and bronchial asthma.
*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.
Emotional/Spiritual Properties*:
Few herbs have accompanied humanity with such notoriety as Rosemary… for those of us with anglo-saxon heritage, this herb is age-old kin, through the aeons the plant has stood by our side and lent its wisdom to our many quandaries. Rosemary gifts us with heightened discernment around social interactions, particularly where matters of justice and equality are at stake. She/he enables us to ease away from confrontational stances, without compromising our boundaries, for there is an all-encompassing truth that embraces all sides of the story, and Rosemary enables us to hone-in on this truth. Whilst this may make the herb seem like a serious one, there is a wry smile that it reveals after necessary seekings have been undertaken, for the greater truth is of course a benevolent one, and all serving unity is a cause for deep joy. Rosemary is thus beneficial for those who are overly concerned with keeping everyone happy or ‘people pleasing’, it will help these kind of people to withdraw from their overcommitment and overextension in a gracious way, rather than carelessness that could arise from overexertion. Then, for people who a prone to lacking awareness around the needs and desires of others, Rosemary will enable humility, understanding, compassion and the ability to be a sensitive and perceptive ear to their true needs and desires -potentially bequeathing a gentle wisdom that helps us peel back surface wants and habitual ways. For those who are overly judgemental or critical of others, it will help them to see where these judgements are born of their own insecurities, conditions and egoic projections, whereafter Rosemary will warm one’s heart and clarify the mind in to a more benevolent state so as to release those judgements and thenceforth simultaneously uphold the others divinity and humanity as one.
-Rosemary has no known sever, mild or weak interactions with other drugs, however, due to its’ antithrombotic properties it may be unadvisable to take shortly before and after surgery, or whilst taking blood thinning medications.
-Pregnancy: Large doses of rosemary may cause miscarriage.
-Menstrual flow: Large doses of rosemary may cause a menstrual flow that is heavier than normal.
-Other side effects from excessive doses include: Nausea, vomiting, seizure, toxicity, kidney, stomach and intestine irritation and damage.
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